
Why partner with us?

Today there are literally hundreds of options and potential partners when it comes to marketing your business.


Case Study: Recruitment

A local Charleston Hospitality partner needed to connect with qualified candidates and recruitment was not working with old tactics.


Case Study: Retail

An upscale Lowcountry furniture boutique wanted to bring more foot traffic to their store.


COMSCORE: TV Use Didn't Fall in Pandemic

The pressure continues on Nielsen as data from rival Comscore contradict Nielsen’s metrics showing that TV usage went down during the pandemic, Next TV reports. Nielsen’s data has been criticized by networks and distributors represented by the VAB. The VAB contends that Nielsen has under-reported TV usage because of faulty reporting from homes in the Nielsen sample that Nielsen was unable to verify because it had to stop doing in-home maintenance while following COVID-19 protocols.

Grow Your Business!

Why Partner With Us?

Case Study: Recruitment

Case Study: Retail

COMSCORE: TV Use Didn't Fall in Pandemic

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Live 5 Marketing Solutions

2126 Charlie Hall Boulevard

Charleston, SC 29414


(843) 402-5646